“More keen-eyed companion than therapist, Susan Scott nudges us to look for lessons in healing that lie beyond the manicured space of therapeutic practice. With her camera and stories, she invites us to see the young maple springing from the burl, a wound, on an ancient tree. Along the way, she invites us to heal that which can be healed, and perhaps more important, to carry forth with exuberant new life that which we must take on.”
~James S. Korcuska, Ph.D. NCC, Resource Review Editor for Counseling Today~
“Healing with Nature is an inspirational book that gives depth insight into the heart of healing. Beautifully written, the book shows how the simple act of walking in nature can be a profound healing process available to everyone. Susan Scott shares her own story of healing a painful back injury, along with other people’s stories of healing somatic and psychological illnesses. She shows us a way to heal our wounds as we learn to be with the healing gifts of nature.”
~Linda Leonard, Ph.D. Call To Create~
Books and Other Writings

Healing with Nature
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Healing with Nature is also available as an eBook and audio book that can be downloaded through ebookstores.
“Susan Scott’s Healing with Nature is a lyrical, literary journey through nature and through Jungian concepts of healing. A delightful amalgam of science, natural science, and beautiful description, Healing with Nature is about the difficult craft of being human. All those who love nature or are concerned with personal growth will find this irresistible. This is psychology in its finest form–storytelling.”
~Susan Zwinger Ph.D. Still Wild Always Wild~
“How to describe this extraordinary book! Susan Scott’s stunning photographs, her lovingly attentive verbal descriptions of woods like those I and my dogs walk in each morning has enabled me to notice the amazing stories embedded in the beautiful and miraculous pattern of growth of this cedar or that fir, as it has responded to the particular challenges of its immediate setting and life history. She helps us see how our lives–her own, those of her patients and friends, mine–are informed by the same natural patterns, exhibit the same fierce resilience, the same quiet coming to terms.”
~Christine Downing, Ph.D. Goddess~

Haiku Joy
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Susan Scott’s visuals, both photographic and through Haiku, open the portals to earthy awe. Ah, serenity!
~Dr. Sharon V. Betcher, Independent Scholar
These haiku are a kind of paradox; tiny, but massive. A compression of words, of careful loving observation, where each poem is, in fact, a whole expansive world of beauty and the evident truth of a moment.
~Iona Whishaw, author of best-selling Lane Winslow mystery series
Fine haiku always hides a mystery and only the very adept writer of haiku can implant intimations of this mystery in and among the words. There are rules and codes and traditions and myths, but true haiku is ever escaping these confines. And here we encounter Susan Scott’s Haiku Joy. Susan has been writing long enough and well enough and now free enough to be host to the true spirit of haiku, the spirit that yearns to express itself in metaphor, in simile, even allegory, with the symbolism always evoking the depth of nature to excite a resonance in the human heart.
~Russell Arthur Lockhart, author of Words as Eggs and Psyche Speaks